Asking for help
This (to me) is one of the most important skills in IT and life. This is a skill in the sense that there is a mastering element to how, who, and where to ask for help. Sometimes a deal-breaker error stays like that because the person doesn’t know
Start with the help system before going to your favorite search engine. - RTFM: I found the acronym as: read the friendly manual (I honestly that’s what the F stands for). This is fundamental, it can be deal-breaker for whom just started to learn anything; to have a doubt, or having unknown error and not knowing where to get information. Many times just copying-pasting the results will provide a hint or enough information to drill through; nevertheless this will sometimes not suffice; In which case knowing how and where to ask is enough. Initially the software will provide some information. In other cases, to clarify, - This is an starter’s requirement to achieve solving the problem.