
Computational docking is a modeling 3D tool for protein-ligand complexes.


ab initio docking

ab initio, non-template or free modeling There are several different “ab initio” in bioinformatics, e.g.:

  • ab initio protein folding
  • ab initio gene prediction
  • ab initio genome assembly And so on. In general, ab initio in bioinformatics means “without direct evidence”. For example, ab initio genome assembly is assembling a genome from sequencing reads alone, without any other information like a closely related genome or a genetic map.

Template-based modeling (TBM)

Is a very reliable alternative to ab initio docking, given that a template is available. With a template many approaches can be used, including:

  1. ‘(global) superimposition’ (i.e. global structure–structure alignment), generating models by superimposing unbound 3D component protein (or domain) structures onto templates;
  2. ‘dimeric threading’ (i.e. sequence–structure alignment), ‘threading’ the component protein sequences onto structural templates and searching for the best sequence–structure alignment based on a scoring function;
  3. ‘direct homology modeling of the complex’, e.g. with MODELLER;
  4. ‘Interface Structure Alignment’ (ISA)based modeling, generating models by superimposing the component protein structures onto template interface structures.
Gary Javier Espitia Sudea
Gary Javier Espitia Sudea

My research interests genetics, bioinformatics, scientometrics and statistics.